
Elder Abuse Affects Millions of Americans Every Year

Elder Abuse Affects Millions of Americans Every Year

It can be difficult to arrive at an exact figure for incidences of elder abuse in our country. There are many reasons for this, not least the fact that many older Americans who have suffered emotional, physical, or financial abuse are often disabled or intimidated into silence.

10 Percent of Our Elders Suffer Abuse

10 Percent of Our Elders Suffer Abuse

According a recent review article published in the New England Journal of Medicine, 10 percent of elderly Americans have suffered some form of physical, emotional, or financial abuse. Worse, researchers behind the article suggest that this figure is an underestimate.

Investigation into Erie, PA Nursing Homes

Investigation into Erie, PA Nursing Homes

Members of the Attorney General's team have executed a search warrant on two Erie-area nursing homes.  At one of these care facilities, Saint Mary’s Home of Erie East, the AG’s team left with information contained in computers, hard drives, and boxes that may lead to fines or convictions.